Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 19, 2009

I am trying to get a little more computer savvy. It is taking time :)
Well...Easter was really great! A lot of quality time with family. That has always been one of my favorite things. We had the girls professional pictures taken by the amazing Aronda of Aronda Photography :) Thank you Aronda!!!!
Here is a sample of a couple of the pics.
The girls had way too much fun and got way too much candy. I think it is even more candy than halloween! The day before easter, we went to Disney On Ice with the girls! Tyson almost missed it because of a fire, but it ended up working out. They had a blast. We can't wait for the next one! Anyway....
Summer is fast approaching! And Tyson is feeling it from the early fire season! It is going to be a busy one this year! He got called out again yesterday while he was at my market with the girls. Speaking of Momma's Organic Market :) we finished up this one and have one more before our summer break for the season. So May 16th! Mark your calendars! :)
I won't write too much...I need to get dressed and go to church and finish the day with cleaning house. (Does that ever end? cleaning is a full time duty it seems like!)
Well...thank you for reading and we love you all and hopefully Soon I will get a link for pictures so you can see EVERYTHING we snap on our camera.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Esquibel Family 2009!

Well, it's already April, so we are well into the new year :)
We are very lucky and very blessed! Couldn't ask for more. We are healthy and happy with a roof over our head, food to eat and WONDERFUL family to gather round the table to eat with :)
We are so thankful for our beautiful girls and that we are able to enjoy spending time with them.
Tyson's fire season started early this year. He went out on a fire in February and 3 more in March. He also had a week long academy in Prescott thrown in there, so he didn't get to hang out at home as much as he would like. Throw that in with his application, testing and ride alongs with the fire department and doing some yard maintenance on the side....whew....he stays busy. Him and I were also on a co-ed softball team this year with our church. That just ended yesterday. It was a lot of fun and we plan on hopefully doing it again in the fall.
As for me, my farmers market that I coordinate and run with my great sis-in-law Emy has taken off. We are about to go on summer break, but we still have 2 more this season. We LOVE what we do and are so thankful that we are able to be where we are. If you ever wanna check out the Momma's Organic Market website it's :)
My footbaths are starting to get more business and I am still working weekends at Red Robin here and there.
Blythe and Brynnlee are GREAT! They are full of life and love and we enjoy every second...well almost every second :) (just not the attitudes) Ha Ha!
Blythe is 4 1/2 already and doesn't let us forget for a second. I can't believe next year already...she will be in Kindergarden! Ah! Where does the time go? Blythe is SO smart. She is very interested in learning new things and being praised for it! She is learning to count and spell. We are working on telling time a little and her common sense is incredible.
Brynnlee is our little firecracker! She is hilarious and ALMOST 3!! She is as beautiful as can be and just as honory! I think a lot of you know what I am talking about. She has been potty trained for a long time now and that has been a blessing! No more diapers...yay! She is talking like you wouldn't believe and growing like a weed.
We love spending as much time with our AWESOME family as possible and can't wait for Easter this weekend.
We pray that we continue to be as blessed as we are in life and that we embrace anything that comes our way. We are very hopeful for Tyson's job change! And we will see what else God has planned for our future! We love you all and thank you for being part of our lives. We are all going to have a great year!!!